Listing your property with FSBOexpress is easy, simple, and straightforward. To get started, simply choose a listing package that best suits your needs. Next, proceed to our secure order page and complete your transaction using a credit card. Once your payment is processed, you'll receive digital documents to complete, which typically takes just 20 minutes of your time. Lastly, email us high-quality photos of your property to showcase its best features. Once we have your documents; listing agreement, sellers disclosures, lead based paint (provided) and the datasheet giving us the info on your home and photos we login as the broker / member of the Springdale, South Carolina MLS & input your listing. We have you listed generally within 24 hours.
Sellers doing Flat Fee Springdale, South Carolina By Owner MLS Listings are still required to sign a listing agreement offering a commission to a buyer's agent. This "Cooperative fee" is usually half or about 3%. If you try to offer less than the standard cooperative fee the seller runs the risk of buyer's agents avoiding them. All sellers listed in the MLS have to sign a listing agreement.
With By Owner Flat Fee MLS Listings a home seller has choices as far as the "Level of Service". This means the seller is not obligated to have the listing agent (Flat Fee MLS By Owner Listing Broker) provide all of the services a "Traditional" agent does. This saves the home seller a considerate amount of money.
We do offer "Full Service" for the sellers who desire that level of service. Full Service means offers are emailed to not only the seller but us too as the listing agent. We help the seller negotiate to get top dollar, help with inspection, pre-approval, title insurance and appraisal. So, utilizing full service with a Flat Fee MLS Listing gives the home seller the same great service a traditional agent does for a fraction of the cost!
The main differences flat fee MLS listing and traditional services, flat fee allows the seller to sell as a for sale by owner FSBO and not pay a commission. With traditional commissioned real estate agents, if you sell your own property, you will own the agent a high commission. Flat fee listing allows the customer to sell as a FSBO and with an agent, having the best of both worlds.
To summarize, a Flat Fee MLS Listing in Springdale, South Carolina gives a home seller the same, great exposure as if listed by any local, top producing agent. The seller has Springdale, South Carolina For Sale By Owner privileges with all of the benefits of being listed in the local MLS.
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